
You would access APIs through IAlopeykClient interface which is implemented in AlopeykClient class.

Here's a list of methods available:

  1. GetLocation
  2. GetLocationSuggestions
  3. GetPrice
  4. GetPrices
  5. InsertOrder
  6. GetOrderDetails
  7. UpdateOrder
  8. CancelOrder
  9. RateOrder
  10. AddHiddenDescription
  11. DeleteHiddenDescription
  12. GetLiveMapLink

AlopeykClient takes 5 parameters

  1. The first one which is required (i.e. remoteServiceUri) is Alopeyks' uri which is for Production environment, and for Development.
  2. Second is token (required), which is a JWT token for authorization.
  3. httpClient (optional) takes a HttpClient to allow you to control it's lifetime so you could use IHttpClientFactory to create an instance of HttpClient. (more available at here)
  4. jsonSerializer (required) is taken to allow you to use Json.Net or System.Text.Json.
  5. retryHandler (optional) is used to provide retry capability.